Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2016

    From the East Brethren, A dusting of snow, some ice and now we are leaning toward Spring and with it, a busy season. Plan on joining us for our Entered Apprentice degree March first, when three men will begin their Masonic journey, then a month later our first Saturday morning Master Mason Degree will be…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2016

    From the East Brethren, February is out of the box with two of our brothers receiving their Fellow Craft degree on the 2nd. This means a Saturday morning Master Mason Degree will be soon, and it looks like we may be on path for three more young men to be initiated in the very near…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Jan 2016

    From the East Happy New Years My Brothers! What in the world happened to winter during the Christmas / New Year holiday period? My goodness it was too easy to have ‘warm wishes’ for the holidays. Winter snows are in the offing for the mountains and we get back to business as the temperatures fall…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Dec 2015

    From the East Brothers, Why is it, that despite the care taken when putting away Christmas decorations, there is always one of that thousand-light strand that decides suddenly to retire? Oh, well it gives you something to do while watching football. Speaking of these things, the lights, wreaths and hunted trees strapped atop cars and…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2015

    From the East Brothers, The leaves have blazed in beautiful color and have been spiraling from the trees while tempera-tures cool into November. Congratulations are in order for our new 32nd degree Scottish Rite Masons and to new Nobles of Oasis Shriners! Those who became Shriners on Halloween were part of the largest class in…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2015

    From the East Brothers, My Brothers, we are now into the fourth quarter and the end of 2015 is in sight. Those of you who wish to join Oasis Shrine or the Scottish Rite should have your petitions ready to go. So, what shall we do in 2016? If you have ideas, let’s hear ‘em!…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2015

    From the East Brethren, The scorching summer and its drought are easing into the history books as most of us happily look toward fall. While cooler temperatures and a busy fall schedule are the norm, uncertainty seems to rule the world picture. There has been sabre rattling among our nation, Russia, China and the middle-east…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – August 2015

    From the East My Brothers, Wow, the Dog Days of summer have left many of us looking forward to relief of daily 90+ degrees (except for less than a handful of days this summer). I hope those of you who have been able to, have had a good summer break. As we move toward the…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2015

    My Brothers, Here we are approaching the 236th year since our lodge was formed during the Revolutionary War (Phalanx #20 – Oct 4, 1779). Where are we now? Under our current charter (Dec 2, 1797) we are mid-way through our 218th year, and our nation appears to be sailing uncharted waters, some say much like…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – June 2015

    My Brothers, What? We are nudging the midway point on this year? Already? The school year is ending, vacations are in the offing for some and the heat is on. Please keep our nation, its weather embattled regions, and our fraternity in your prayers. We have entered hurricane season, so in light of memories of…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2015

    From the East Brothers, This spring has been pacing nicely with three new Master Masons being raised (all three are pressing onward learning their Master Mason catechism), a rising Fellow Craft in the wings, word of more peti-tions to come, and we are also very close to full funding of our MHC project. Two of…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2015

    From the East My Brothers, Spring has arrived, and while the Bradford pears and cherry trees parade their finery, Phalanx lodge is also adding some flair. By our next stated meeting, we will have a new team of Master Masons and a rising Fellow Craft. The Spring School of Instruction was well attended, and speaking…