Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2015

    From the East My Brothers, What, March already? Wow, the year is flying as we slipped the brunt of heavy winter weather blanketing much of the eastern seaboard. Our degree work has been fast and furious with a team of Fellow Craft heading toward a Master Mason degree in the offing, and a brand new…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2015

    From the East My Brothers, We recently had a most excellent Fellow Craft degree led by WB Jim Lofton. Brother Bill Stout is to be commended for his beautiful debut performance of the Staircase & ‘G’ Lecture and Charge in the degree. Meantime, those of us taking part in the degrees stay sharp, we have…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – January 2015

    From the East Brothers, We begin a new year, and with it we should all renew our interest, reflect on our journey thus far, and buff our pride in our fraternity. Read a book on Freemasonry, watch a video, and never stop learning. Not one of us is here by accident. We have made commitments…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Dec 2014

    From the East Brothers, this year for me has been one of the most exciting, humbling, enriching, challenging and most of all FUN experiences of my life. I have loved serving our great lodge this year as Master, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciated your trust and faith in me to lead.…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2014

    From the East Greetings Brothers, Thank you! I want to give a big thank you to all of the Brothers that came out and helped with our BBQ!! We had a great turn out on Saturday the 25th and all of the brothers had a great time chopping and serving BBQ together. I also want…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2014

    From the East Greetings Brothers! Welcome to Fall brothers! The weather certainly has seemed to turn and as we move into the fall we have news of our recent Grand Lodge activities as well as upcoming events. Grand lodge this year was an exciting event as always. Seeing that many brothers together in one place…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2014

    From the East Greetings Brothers, Well Brothers it is hard to believe that we are moving into the fall already and looking forward to Grand Lodge, our annual BBQ fundraiser and possibly two more candidates to go through the degrees. I hope that everyone had a great summer, but now it is time for us…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – August 2014

    From the East Hello Brothers! As we move into August we begin a busy fall schedule for Phalanx. We enjoyed a terrific meeting in July and are looking forward to another good one in August! Our annual Grand Lodge communication is being held the last weekend of September and we will be going over the…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2014

    From the East Brothers, I hope that this Trestleboard finds everyone doing well, and enjoying the beautiful summertime that is upon us now. For those that were unable to attend, we had a terrific Saturday morning third degree on June 14th where we raised three new brothers to the sublime degree of Mason. It was…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – June 2014

    From the East Greetings Brothers! The importance of the third degree can’t be overstated. On Saturday morning June the 14th, we will raise three new brothers as Master Masons in our wonderful fraternity. This is the last time we will have to make an impression on these men with regards to their degree work. It…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2014

    From the East Greetings Brothers! Brothers we have a lot going on in May and it should make for an exciting month. I would ask that as many brothers as possible attend our May stated as we will be electing a Senior Warden to fill the post for the rest of the year. We will…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2014

    From the East Brothers, It was so good to see everyone at our March stated communication, which was our official visit from the DDGM of the 32nd Masonic district. We had a terrific meeting and learned some good information about the Grand Master’s plan for 2014. For those brothers that were not able to attend…