Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2018

    From the East Brethren, Greetings from the East! March is going to be a busy month. First we have our Stated Communication on the 13th, followed the next week by the Spring School of Instruction on the 20th and 21st. Then on Bill Stout the 26th, we are hosting the Grand Master. The Master Mason…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2018

    From the East Brethren, Greetings from the East. For those that made it to the January Stated Communication, thank you for your attendance. For everybody else, you missed a meeting with a lot happening. February looks to be a busy month. We have our Stated Communication on February 13th with Bro Nick Voelker providing an…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – January 2018

    From the East Brethren, Greetings from the East!! Welcome to 2018. Another year has begun and we have the annual training to learn to date checks (do you still write checks?) with 2018 rather than 2017 I am humbled that you have elected me WM for a second time. I promise to try to do…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Dec 2017

    From the East Brethren, Greetings from the East! December is upon us and 2017 will soon be behind us. The start of winter is only a couple weeks away. The days are getting shorter and the darkness longer. The days seem gloomier. We reflect over the past year – those we have lost, the goals…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2017

    From the East Brethren, Greetings from the East. Our November Stated Communication is quickly approaching and looks to be busy. In addition to election of Officers for 2018 we will be balloting on an increase in dues for 2018. For those not in attendance at the October Stated Communication, I discussed the state of our…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2017

    From the East Brethren, Greetings from the East. When it rains, it pours. Since last month, we have had more tragedy around the country. Between the hurricane damage in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, we now man-made tragedy in Las Vegas. We have now received requests from the Grand Lodges of Texas, Florida, and Puerto…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2017

    From the East Brethren, I have a couple questions for you… Are you in line? When you get to the head of the line, will you then return to the end to start again? Will you continue to do this? As you should be well aware, Texas and Louisiana are experience disaster of epic proportions.…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Aug 2017

    From the East Brothers, At our July Stated Communication I submitted an amendment to our By-Laws in conformance with The Code of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina as state: When voting upon issues requiring the use of the ballot box (Petitions for the Degrees, Applications for Affiliation, Honorary or Life Memberships), if one black…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2017

    From the East Brothers, Greetings from the East! As you are well aware, July begins with our 4th of July holiday with its parties and shopping deals. Vacation season begins in earnest and the heat really starts. The long-est day of the year is past us, but most will not have noticed. But, in the…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – June 2017

    From the East Brothers, Greetings from the East! Well the past month has been a busy one. This was our year for a Lecture Service and we have completed that task with a great turn-out. WB Bob Braswell led the instruction with his usual wit and we had an enjoyable time learning the details of…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2017

    From the East Brothers, Greetings from the East! Time is flying and the year is now one third over. Even though Spring has barely begun it is now beginning to feel like Summer. Brothers Ryan Jones and Nicholas Voelker were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on April 22 and we hope to…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2017

    From the East Brothers, Greetings from the East! Spring is here. Spring is a season of transformations – temperatures are more pleasant, the trees and flowers are in bloom. It is a time of renewal – the cold weather, short days, and holidays are over – so it is time do those things that we…