Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2017

From the East

Worshipful Master Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC


Greetings from the East. When it rains, it pours. Since last month, we have had more tragedy around the country. Between the hurricane damage in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, we now man-made tragedy in Las Vegas. We have now received requests from the Grand Lodges of Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico for assistance so please contribute to their relief as liberally as you can without injury to yourself.

October is shaping up to be a busy month. We have our Stated Communication on Tuesday October 12th.

Currently we hope to be voting on a candidate at our stated and so with a clear vote we expect to be having an Entered Apprentice Degree on October 24th. In addition, the Finance Committee will be presenting their rec-ommendation for Dues for 2018.

The following week on October 17 and 18 will be the fall School of Instruction. Phalanx Lodge #31 will be hosting the School of Instruction on Tuesday October 17.

I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.

Past Master Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC


Bill Stout – Worshipful Master, PM

From the West

Senior Warden Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC

Hello my Brothers from the wild West,

FINALLY the baking heat of summer is gone with Fall’s fresh breath of air and a change of color underway for our beautiful landscapes, but what else is on that breeze? The gulf states, the lower Atlantic seaboard and the Caribbean islands are reeling from savage hurricanes, and what in the world has happened to our grand experiment of a nation? The divisions appear to John Harder, PM be worsening with racial, cultural and religious rhetoric flying back and forth seemingly signaling an impending wide scale conflict of ideas – if not peoples. Confederate flags and monuments across the south were targeted, now the NFL has decided to foster further division by insulting our national anthem. I have, like many others turned off and turned away from this locked arm act of defiance by an increasing number of multi-millionaires who cannot seem to define exactly what they are pro-testing. They have no idea they are following a radical playbook written back in 1971. Meantime, most seem ignorant of the significance of the poem penned during the war of 1812 by Francis Scott Key that later became our national anthem. We can make our positions known by supporting or by refusing to do so with our money, time and actions.

Thank each of you that while we hail from differing lives and opinions, we can find solace when we gather into a place where those issues remain outside until we leave this sacred retreat to mix again with the world. Please remain vigilant and prepared for whatever storms we may face. See you in lodge!

Past Master Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC


John Harder, SW, PM

From the Secretary

Secretary Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC


Reflecting on the Grand Lodge Annual Communication, I felt a need to provide a brief synopsis of the business that was concluded. It really is a special feeling to gather with almost 1,200 other Master Masons for these two days, and experience the brotherhood that Masonry develops among its members.

RWB Speed Hallman was elected the 2018 Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina. Lux Libertas Lodge #772 was chartered. The proposed 2018 Grand Lodge budget was approved, and of the more consequential proposed CODE amendments: Allow a Lodge to conduct business on the First Degree was rejected, allow lodges to charge a late fee on delinquent dues was rejected, conducting back-ground checks on those rejoining the fraternity after more than 2 years was approved, increase the per capita from $20 to $25 was rejected, changing the Endowed memberships to Legacy memberships were both rejected, and the amendment allowing suspension of a member after being charged with a felony was tabled. We will certainly discuss in more detail in Lodge, and I’m certain the next NC Mason publication will provide a detailed description as well.

Past Master Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC


Mike Hamrick, PM




