Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2017

    From the East Brothers, By the time you are reading this, the Scottish Rite Temple will likely be being demolished. Several of our Brothers were able to salvage some of the decorative building materials from the Blue Lodge in that building, which we are looking at using as we refurbish our lodge room. We were…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2017

    From the East Brothers, Greetings from the East. January has been a busy month. At our Stated Communication, we welcomed several of our Prince Hall brethren. They presented an interesting short talk on the history of Prince Hall. I look forward to visiting with them again in the near future. As the Scottish Rite is…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – January 2017

    From the East Brothers, Greetings from the East in this New Year of 2017. As I begin serving in the East, I would like to thank you for your confidence in me and give you my promise that I will do my best to earn the trust you have placed in me. As we begin…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Dec 2016

    From the East My Brothers, We are now nearly a month past the November elections (national, state & our lodge) and the bluster and bustle of December has arrived! Before Christmas, Hanukkah, & New Year’s, we have our final Stated Communication for the year and ‘an updating’ of the guard with officer installation. We will…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2016

    From the East My Brothers, Does time really speed up toward the end of the year? Seems so. Be sure to pause and admire nature’s handiwork with the trees in full display preparing for winter’s dormancy. A color change is also underway with Halloween decorations being replaced with those for Christmas. (Don’t forget the Carolina…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2016

    From the East Brethren, Finally – cooler weather prevails! We can breathe easy into autumn, but we have hit the busy season for our grand fraternity. There is a lot on our plate for the rest of the year. Please avail yourself for upcoming degree work, fall school of instruction, Scottish Rite, Oasis Shriners, Honors…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2016

    From the East Brethren, I hope you have had a nice summer. This month we are back to Tuesday evening practice to prep for autumn degree work. Yes, we have a few petitions to be read at our September stated communication. It will also be review time prior to the Grand Lodge Annual Communication later…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – August 2016

    From the East Brethren, Wow, who left the oven on? Can you believe the heat this summer – this is North Carolina, not Bad Water Basin (Death Valley). Okay, I know it averages 27 degrees more than the Carolinas, but after a point it sort of feels the same. We look forward to a cool…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2016

    From the East Brethren, Summertime and the livin’ is … well, HOT! I hope each of you has time to take a breather this summer before we all head back to (from my perspective) heavy school and work traffic in another month or two. Meantime, our flurry of degree work the first half of this…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – June 2016

    From the East Brethren, Our busy Spring time is about to ratchet up the heat toward summer and we congratulate Brothers Eric Flanigan, Winston Sheppard and Dan Wendelborn, three new Master Masons who were raised Saturday morning May 21st. There was a lot of hard work on their, and WB Bob Braswell’s parts in preparing…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2016

    From the East Brethren, CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Master Masons; Brother Matthew Richter and Brother Robby Saye were raised to the Sublime Degree on April 2nd. A huge Thank You as well to all those who joined us for breakfast and their degree! Feel the heat? Summertime is in the offing and while many of…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2016

    From the East Brethren, This year seems to be on a fast-scoot with new petitions, candidates stretching their grey cells working in the quarries toward their next degrees, and of course a beautiful Spring underway (sneeze-cough-cough). Spring school of instruction was great – watching how all the lodges in our district perform the same work.…