Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2014

    From the East Brothers, I hope that this article finds you all doing well and enjoying the wonderful weather we have been having since the system that forced us to cancel our February stated communication. Our March stated is sure to be a busy one with much to catch up on from February, as well…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2014

    From the East Brethren, Brothers we are off to a great start this year. While our first meeting of the year was met with a bit of a chill in the air, the heat has been fixed and we were still able to elect the third of three candidates to receive the degrees. We initiated…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Dec 2013

    From the East Brethren, As I write this, we’re just finishing up with Thanksgiving, and now moving into the Christmas season. And with that, our last stated communication of the year, and my last stated sitting in the East. It’s been an honor and a privilege serving as Master of Phalanx Lodge #31, and I’ve…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2013

    From the East Brethren, Since we last met at our October Stated Communication, we’ve had a Fellow craft degree, The Fall School of Instruction, the 22nd annual Cletus O. Fulp BBQ, and also an Entered Apprentice degree. October wrapped up as a very busy month for us, and now with our upcoming November stated, we…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2013

    From the East Brothers, I can’t believe its October already. This year has really flown by, and now it’s fall. So many things have happened this year, both good and bad, and we still have more to look forward to as well. This past weekend was the annual Grand Lodge held in Winston-Salem. This was…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2013

    Service Awards From the West Brothers, I hope that this month’s Trestleboard finds all of you doing very well. So far this year I have enjoyed the best six months of my life since my son was born in February. He is now six months old and certainly keeps my wife and I very busy.…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – August 2013

    From the East Brothers, It was wonderful seeing everyone in attendance at our recent 1st degree. Brother Steve Porter sat in the East and did an excellent job! It’s great to see new candidates start their Masonic journey. To this day I still remember going through my 1st degree and how nervous I was. There…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2013

    From the East Brethren, July is here and summer is in full swing. By now, many of you are coming back from the July 4th vacation and ready (not really) to get back to work. Our last Stated Communication was not only a lively one, but also brought us a visitor from across the pond.…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2013

    From the East Brethren, We recently hosted the Spring School of Instruction, and everything ran very smoothly! I personally want to thank all involved for such a great evening! As always, it proved to be informative and fun. Not only that, but it’s good to have a place to go where you feel safe and…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2013

    From the East Brethren, Spring has finally arrived, and a new season is upon us. The flowers are blooming, the trees are getting green, the grass is growing, and allergies will soon follow. Now we have a chance to open our windows and let the fresh air in and enjoy the nightly breezes before we…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2013

    From the East Brothers, So much seems to be happening these days, both in our private lives and also with the lodge. In life we deal with change on a daily basis. We watch the news, we observe with our own eyes, and we hear from others about things that once were, and now are…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2012

    From the East Greetings from the East, This is one of the last times, if not the last, I wil be addressing you in this manner through the Trestle Board. The November Stated Communication is quickly approaching us. On Tuesday night, November 13th we will conduct the business at hand for Phalanx Lodge #31 which…