Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2014

From the East

Greetings Brothers,

Well Brothers it is hard to believe that we are moving into the fall already and looking forward to Grand Lodge, our annual BBQ fundraiser and possibly two more candidates to go through the degrees. I hope that everyone had a great summer, but now it is time for us to really buckle down and start planning our fall events. We want to go ahead and start getting some volunteers to commit time to our annual BBQ fundraiser and signup sheets will be available at the Sept stated. Please plan on committing some time Saturday Oct 25th. We will be asking for folks to sign up for two hour blocks, but feel free to sign up for more. This is a great opportunity for fun and fellowship in the service of our charities. As a reminder, your three principle officers will be attending Grand Lodge the last weekend of this month and we ask that if you have an opinion about an amendment, you make sure to tell us at the Sept stated. We vote the will of the lodge and want to make sure that everyone is represented. I look forward to seeing everyone at this month’s stated, and if possible, try to reach out to a fellow brother you haven’t seen in a while and ask them to join us as well.


Jim Lofton – Master

From the South


Brother AJ Morton distributed a copy of two very interesting Masonic articles at our last Stated. I thought that I would include one of those here for those who were not present.


The following are excerpts from a paper researched by WB John H. Rosser, DDGM, 41st Masonic District.

Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte was originally a private institution owned by three doctors. In 1903, it was purchased by a group of ten doctors for about $2,000; they added another $1,000 for supplies and equipment. Then they presented it to the Presbyterian Churches of Charlotte, from which it gets its name.

Dr. (and Brother) James R. Alexander, Past Master of Phalanx Lodge #31, in 1905 was elected to the hospital’s Board. He was alarmed to find a deficit of $4,000. Everything was in good order, but the hospital was dying on the vine. So he invited Phalanx Lodge to furnish a room.

The members of the Lodge accepted the challenge, and built the finest hospital room in the area, with no strings attached.

Soon after, Excelsior and Joppa Lodges also made magnificent contributions. At the end of June, 1905., the hospital showed a net gain in assets.

When Elizabeth College at the present location was to be sold for $400,000, Bro. W.S. Lee, founder of Duke Power, publicly endorsed the purchase, and the big new hospital was underway. It was dedicated by the Grand Lodge of AF & AM in North Carolina on December 5, 1918.


Chris Crump – JW

From the Secretary


This fall is setting up to be a very busy one for our Lodge. Starting with our Stated Communications which are on the second Tuesdays, we also have the NC Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Winston-Salem in late September, we anticipate an Entered Apprentice Degree in late September or early October, and then our Barbeque fundraiser in late October. There are many ways that you can be involved, and we would welcome your participation.

You all should have seen the proposed CODE amendments in the latest NC Mason publication. Your principal officers will be voting on these at the Sep 26 & 27 Annual Communication. Should you have a strong opinion on any of these, please make this known to the Master or Wardens. Should you wish to review these, the NC Mason can be accessed through the Grand Lodge website:

Finally, we are nearing the time when I must send 2014 dues delinquency final no-tices. These will ask that payment of dues be made prior to our October 14 Stated Communication, and if not paid, a vote will be conducted during the November Stated regarding either cancelling dues or excluding members. Our Member Retention Committee has been diligently attempting to contact each delinquent member, however for some we do not have phone numbers or email addresses. Should you not have a current dues card and wish to discuss your circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact the Master or Secretary.


Mike Hamrick, PM




