My Brothers,
Here we are approaching the 236th year since our lodge was formed during the Revolutionary War (Phalanx #20 – Oct 4, 1779). Where are we now? Under our current charter (Dec 2, 1797) we are mid-way through our 218th year, and our nation appears to be sailing uncharted waters, some say much like it saw prior to July 4th, 1776. I have noticed that FEMA ads have been running daily on early morning radio urging us all to have supplies on hand and to make a plan with our families on what action to take should we face natural or man made uncertainties. There are many resources available online to help guide you. Take time to consider this and prepare. Those of us who were scouts remember our motto “BE PREPARED!” Please continue to pray for our country, our far flung military, our lodge family and yourself. We are now into the ‘Dog Days’ of summer and have a new Entered Apprentice starting his studies, and a new Fellow Craft working toward his 3rd degree. Thank you to everyone who turned out for these recent degrees, both went very well. We will soon be conferring a Master Mason Degree and a Fellow Craft Degree, stay on top of your parts by attending practice on Tuesdays. Want to join the degree teams? It’s easy, meet us for practice and get rolling! Don’t miss the Secretary’s message for important information and updates.See you in lodge.
John Harder, PM, Master
We really were busy in June with our regular Stated Communication and two degrees, and our activities continue in July with Saturday’s Lecture Service. This Lecture Service is in essence a School of Instruction for the Lodge, and an opportunity for us to refine our degree and ritual work. There will be time for fellowship as well, so if you are available, we would love to see you this weekend. And with both a Fellowcraft and Master Mason Degree on the horizon (not yet scheduled), our calendar will certainly continue to be quite active during the latter half of the summer; and we will continue to meet on Tuesday evenings after our July 14th Stated, in order to prepare for these upcoming degrees.
We have received the agenda for the September 25 & 26 Grand Lodge Annual Communication, which includes the proposed CODE amendments. We will discuss these in detail at our regular monthly meetings, so that you can be fully informed.
Brothers, I do want to make you aware of our efforts for the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford‘s residents. We have several Brothers who have championed an effort to provide a Carolina Panthers game experience for all of the residents of the Home. This has been an ongoing project since March, and we have raised several hundred dollars more than the roughly $2,000 for the tickets (which have already been purchased for the November 22 game against the Washington Redskins). We also plan to raise additional monies to offset the travel expense, as well as provide a pre-game and post-game tailgate experience, and perhaps even get the children and youth some kind of game souvenir. I suspect that there are few if any of the residents who’ve experienced an NFL game in person, so we are excited to be able to provide this opportunity.