Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2014

From the East


It was so good to see everyone at our March stated communication, which was our official visit from the DDGM of the 32nd Masonic district. We had a terrific meeting and learned some good information about the Grand Master’s plan for 2014. For those brothers that were not able to attend I did make an announcement regarding our Senior Warden. Unfortunately he was not able to fulfill his duties this year and did have to resign his position. Worshipful Brother John Harder has been gracious enough to step in and fill that role for us until we can hold an election.

Per code we have requested dispensation from the Grand Master, but I expect that we will most likely hold an election sometime later this spring. On a brighter note our three entered apprentices are doing well with their catechism and I expect we will have a second degree in the near future. I would encourage as many brothers as possible to attend once the date is published. I would also like all brothers to know that I have proposed the idea of spring fundraiser for sometime in May. There was a time when more than a handful of brothers participated in fundraisers and I am looking for a brother to champion a spring fundraiser for us this year! If you have an interest please let me know and I will offer all the support and help possible. I look forward to seeing you all soon!


Jim Lofton – Master

From the South


Hello Brethren,

I hope all is well…Spring is Here…I have would like to ask all Brethren to please let me know if there are any areas of the Lodge building that you believe need attention. The Trustees are looking to do some upgrades this year on areas of need. If you have any ideas please do not hesitate to notify me. My cell number and email address are listed below in the Officer listing.

On another note, the School of Instruction is coming up in May, and I would like to see Phalanx Lodge have a good showing of members. Remember Brothers…We do best what we do most…


Chris Crump- JW

From the Secretary


Please make note of the upcoming dates for Masonic happenings in the area on the next page. I would encourage you to mark your calendar now for the Fellowcraft degree for our Entered Apprentices.

Finally, contributions to this monthly Trestleboard is certainly not limited to the Master, Wardens and myself. Should you have something to share in the way of an article of some kind, please do not hesitate to forward that to me for consideration.


Mike Hamrick, PM




