Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2021

    From the East Welcome to October! I hope you have been well and are ready for cooler weather. We have two upcoming degrees in the near future. The lodge approved two petitions forthe degrees at our last stated. Also, four brothers are working through their Catechism for the second degree and a third degree to…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers, I hope that your Labor Day weekend holiday was grand. Taking off a few days at the end of the summer always helps me start adjusting to the transition to fall. In the last week of August we gained another Fellowcraft brother. In total we nowhave four…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – August 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East! Brothers, this summer has been hot and hazy but the path in Masonry is clearly lit by bright tapers. I am pleased to say we have three new fellow craft brethren! We had a superb degree on July 27th to share more light. Plus we are preparing for…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers we have had our first meeting of many in the York Rite Temple. We are getting back on track for regular meals and consistent stated meetings. This year we will not have a month where the lodge is dark. We have had too many over the recent…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – June 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers, we are in an exciting time of change for our lodge. In our last stated communication the bylaws were amended to adjust our monthly meeting place to the York Rite (1229 N. Sharon Amity Road) just about a mile east. There is much to do in order…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, I pray that you and yours are well. We welcomed four new brothers into our lodge last month. A few who had been waiting for over a year to be initiated. They came together as their strong voices recited the entered apprentice’s obligation. It was both refreshing and…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East! Brothers I pray that you are well. During these challenging times we have been working to resume a semi-normal meeting and practice schedule. Also, large changes have been in the works. Your lodge is at a crossroads. Soon the Joppa lodge building we have called home for more…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers, we are seeing light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. We have a ways to go until the global pandemic is no longer a primary driver of caution and daily life. I encourage you to stay safe as long as it takes. The lodge is attracting…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers I pray that you and your families are well. I have been anxiously awaiting the return to the lodge. We have our February stated next Tuesday and hope to see you there. We are following safe practices and requiring members to adhere to the guidelines of our…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Dec 2020

    From the East Greetings from the East, My brothers, December is going to be a busy month for our lodge. With the current COVID environment, procedural issues and my being called out of town at the last minute, I canceled the November stated communication. I apologize for the last minute notice and I contacted all…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2020

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers, I am looking forward to opening the lodge at our November Stated communication. I have only received a few RSVPs for the meeting. We may only have a limited number of people allowed into the lodge, so please let me know if you plan to attend. You…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2020

    From the East Brethren I hope you are well and have taken good care of yourselves during these last few months. Since we have not been able to have any stated or emergent communications this has been the main portal of communication for our lodge. I have good news. We are planning to have our…