Author: Editor

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2022

    From the East Brethren, Your lodge is still very busy with degree work, which is a huge blessing. This month we raised Bro. Sam Ludwig to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Congratulations to Sam for all his hard work and time through the degrees and to WB Glenn Sigmon, WB Clayton Wright and WB…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – October 2022

    From the East Brethren, I hope this finds everyone well! September was a busy month for degree work. Phalanx raised three brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason and passed two brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. Phalanx will also be conducting another Master Mason degree on October 6th, dinner at 6:30pm and…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Sept 2022

    From the East Brethren, Welcome to Fall! On Saturday September 10th we will be conducting a Master Mason degree for multiple brothers. Breakfast will be served at 7:30AM and the degree will start at 8:30AM. As you know, the degree requires the participation of over 20 brothers, so any brother’s participation is greatly appreciated. We…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – August 2022

    From the East Brethren, Although we did not have a Stated Communication in July, we did conduct a Fellow Craft degree for one Brother and celebrated service awards for: Bro Richard Bohart (50-year Veteran’s Service Award)Bro. Ralph Lee (50-year Veteran’s Service Award)Bro. Robert Lloyd (50-year Veteran’s Service Award)Bro. Paul Parker (50-year Veteran’s Service Award)Bro. Arnold…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – July 2022

    From the East Brethren, Last month we held an Entered Apprentice degree for two candidates. Due to Phalanx’s dedication to regularly practice and perfect the ritual, the degree was a big success. Thank you to all that participated and attended. Although there is no Stated Communication in July, we will continue to practice our degree…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – June 2022

    From the East Brethren, Your lodge is very busy, especially with degree work. In May, three brothers were passed to the degree of Fellowcraft and, in June, one more is scheduled to do the same as well as three men are scheduled to undertake the Entered Apprentice degree. If you have any interest in participating…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2022

    From the East Brethren, As a reminder, Phalanx’s Stated Communications are now held on the second Thursday of each month (May 12th this month) at the York Rite Masonic Temple, dinner starting at 630pm and the lodge meeting at 730pm. This month we celebrate Mother’s Day. None of us would be here without our mothers,…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – April 2022

    From the East Welcome to Spring! At our March Stated Communication, the lodge voted in favor of changing Phalanx’s Stated Communications to the second Thursday of each month. The Grand Lodge recently approved that change and so starting this month on April 14th, Phalanx’s Stated Communications will be held on the second Thursday of each…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – March 2022

    From the East Brethren, February was a busy month for your Lodge. Two young men, Garett Latham and Sam Ludwig, underwent the Entered Apprentice Degree. Everyone who participated did a great job in conducting an excellent degree. I am very excited for these young men to start their Masonic journey and further the future of…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Feb 2022

    From the East Brothers, I hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy. At our January Stated Communication, Brothers Chris Hitt, Tyler Riggins, and Coleman Carter successfully completed their Master Mason catechism. These young men, (along with Terrance Harrington who is expected to return his catechism at the February Stated), have dedicated a…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – January 2022

    From the East Brethren, I am humbled and honored to serve in the East as your Master for 2022. Our Lodge is in a great place, not only is it financially sound, has multiple candidates and brothers going through the degrees, but also recently added 86 brothers to its rolls, giving us a total of…

  • Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – Nov 2021

    From the East Greetings from the East, Brothers, the lodge has been a hive of activity this month. With many practices, degrees and meetings our calendar was well filled. We welcomed two new Entered Apprentices and four new Master Masons in October!I am proud to be a part of a lodge where the ritual work…