From the East
Since we last met at our October Stated Communication, we’ve had a Fellow craft degree, The Fall School of Instruction, the 22nd annual Cletus O. Fulp BBQ, and also an Entered Apprentice degree.
October wrapped up as a very busy month for us, and now with our upcoming November stated, we will be holding our Officer elections for the 2014 calendar year.
This year has been eventful, both inside and outside of the lodge. And now with the fall nip in the air, the leaves changing, and the passing of a season, it will soon be my time to step down and pass the gavel onto another brother.
Like the season’s, our lives are in a constant flux, and we must learn to adapt and embrace these changes. Some changes are better than others, but all changes offer us lessons to be learned and a time to grow. From the youngest entered apprentice to the worshipful master who resides in the east, so many Masonic lessons are brought before us and bring us light in knowledge and light in Masonry. I encourage all to embrace this knowledge, use it in our daily lives, and live the life of a just and upright Mason.
Kai Ferell – Master
From the West
First of all I hope that this Trestleboard finds all of you doing well and enjoying your year. I would like to thank those of you that attended our first degree the other night. I enjoy degree work and I really look forward to doing more of it in the coming year. This month is elections and it is extremely Jim Lofton
important that you attend this meeting and have a say in Senior Warden
the leadership of our lodge. It is important to the lodge that every brother participates in choosing the leadership. In my opinion being a Mason means participating in the events and activities of your lodge, even if you are a Shriner, Scottish Rite, or York Rite you always have a duty to your blue lodge. I continue to refer to Phalanx as your lodge because that is exactly how we operate. The officers of the lodge operate at the will of the lodge, but we can only do so if you are there to participate and voice your opinions. It is an exciting time in our lodge history, and I would really like to see more brothers enjoying our time together in our new home. We have a terrific lodge facility that we have begun the process of updating and improving. I know many of you don’t or won’t drive at night which I completely understand, but please reach out to me and we will arrange for transportation. We want you in lodge and we want you to see the work we are doing. I can be reached at I look forward to seeing all the members of our lodge on the second Tuesday of every month.
Jim Lofton, SW
From the Secretary
I seems that the year is going to get a bit busier for us as we begin to close 2013 out. The November Stated Communication will include election of 2014 Officers as well as voting on a Petition for the Degrees and an Application for Affiliation, and the following week we will raise Brother Peter Varney in his Master Mason Degree. The December Stated falls on the 10th, which will be immediately followed by the 2014 Officer’s Installation on December 17th.
Also, please take note of the opportunity on page #2, for us to make a difference at MHCO with a “Gift Card Tree”. While there are certainly other needs at the Home, a card tree seems very worthwhile and gives them some flexibility in distributing gifts throughout the upcoming year. This seems to be a worthy consideration as a Holiday gift, par-ticularly at a time of year which can unusually trying for the youth and children.
Those of you receiving this Trestleboard in the mail are also receiving your 2014 Dues Notice. Please take a moment to queue this among your other upcoming bills so that it is not overlooked.
Brothers, here is an Opportunity which you will not find listed on page 2…we have a Master Mason Degree on Tue, Nov. 19. We have scheduled 7:00pm practice dates on Mon. 11/11, Thu. 11/14 and Mon. 11/18. We will need many parts filled for that degree and ask that if you are interested in any role (speaking or non-speaking), please try to make at least one of these practices. As Brother Lofton alludes to in this month’s Trestleboard, should you wish to participate but need assistance with transportation, please do not hesitate to contact any of the officers and we will do all we can to arrange for transportation assistance.
Brothers, please note the plea from the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford below, garnered from their website. Should you wish to donate, please send any cards purchased to the lodge no later than Dec. 17 so that we can get these to the Home before the Holiday. (While not limited to these, preferred merchants include: Rack Room Shoes, Walmart, Belk, Tar-get, Old Navy, Lowe’s, Dominos, Taco Bell, Wendy’s and McDonalds).
Much like an “Angel Tree”, a gift card tree can be created to provide for specific children, cottages, or for general use throughout the campus – all year long. This increasing popular way to give has great advantages for our donors as well as the Home. Easy to purchase, they can be given in designated amounts, $1 to $1000, and most importantly, can be used by our children and our Home all year long! As a donor you know where your donations are going to be used. For our Home, the cards mean we can provide for the children at needed times, for needed items. In May for summer needs, in August for back to school shopping, or when a child first arrives in our care with little or no personal belongings, your gift cards can provide for them at that moment. For a truly wonderful way to give to the life of a child, now and all year long, gift cards help with all needs and allow us to save funds to put towards the care of our children in other areas of need.
Mike Hamrick, PM