From the East
Happy New Years My Brothers!
What in the world happened to winter during the Christmas / New Year holiday period? My goodness it was too easy to have ‘warm wishes’ for the holidays. Winter snows are in the offing for the mountains and we get back to business as the temperatures fall in this area. Most are in a new seat for the New Year and are learning the ritual for each – speaking of that, we have three brothers doing the same following their first degree a few short weeks ago and word is we have more on the way.
Thank you for a great 2015 and we all look forward for the same if not better this year. If there is a brother you have not seen in a while, give him a call and see how he is doing and invite him back to lodge. It looks like we will hit the ground at a bit of a run this year, so those of you who would like to take part in degree work, let us know and join us for practices each Tuesday evening (except for our Stated Meetings).
On another note, those who took the initiative to do a bit of disaster preparedness in 2015 may want to take a few minutes and make sure your ‘stuff’ is up to date and replace those things that have expired. You may even want to add more beans and weenies to the pile – there has been a lot of sun activity and if we catch a huge flare this year, we may have to meet by candle light for a bit.
Pray for those who are in difficulty, pray for our lodge and of course pray for yourself and family.
See you in lodge!
John Harder – Worshipful Master, PM
From the West
Greetings from the west. Welcome to 2016. That is the first time I’ve written the new year.
Personally, 2015 was the worst year ever, with 12/31 being one of the worst days. But I woke at peace with the new year. A new beginning, with the realization of what was truly important to me and that there were things that I had no control over and could not affect. The peace of knowing that I am in Bill Stout
God’s hands and that I am living according to his plan and not mine.
Sometimes, I can be slow to see the obvious. Sometimes, I have to be smacked in the face to pay attention to what I should have been paying attention to all along. This is an ongoing struggle that I deal with.
I have wronged and been wronged. I hope that the wrongs I have committed will be forgiven, just as I try to forgive the wrongs that have been committed against me.
Today, I want to be a better person than I was yesterday. Tomorrow, I want to be a better person than I am today.
It is a new year and a new beginning. We have our work cut out for us, but I know that we are in good hands.
Bill Stout, SW
From the Secretary
I believe that we begin 2016 in very good shape. We closed the books on 2015 in the black, we have three Brothers on their journey through the degrees, currently as Entered Apprentices (with their Fellow Craft degree to be scheduled in the coming weeks) and three petitions expected to be read at the January 12 Stated Communication. We can be grateful to Worshipful Brother John Harder for his leadership in 2015 and his continued service to Phalanx as Master for 2016. I am very excited about a great sense of energy and enthusiasm with our 2016 officers.
Please note that your 2016 dues were payable by January 1, 2016. We’ve received dues payments from 150 of our 265 members, with more coming in each day. I am mailing out dues cards within a day or two of receiving payment, so the date on your current dues card should indicate whether or not you are in good standing with the Lodge. I have had one Brother call to say that he had not received his dues notice. I am hoping that this was a singular circumstance, however, should you not have received your dues notice in November, please contact me so that I can correct that oversight.
Brothers, we are very active and have any number of opportunities for you to connect with and get involved in the Lodge. I hope that you will consider attending and participating.
Mike Hamrick, PM