From the East
Greetings from the East,
Brothers, we are in an exciting time of change for our lodge. In our last stated communication the bylaws were amended to adjust our monthly meeting place to the York Rite (1229 N. Sharon Amity Road) just about a mile east. There is much to do in order to prepare for vacating the Joppa Masonic Temple and its pending sale. The lodge’s records and historic furnishings are a significant task to transport. We have other logistics that are needed to coordinate a smooth transition. If you would like to lend a hand, please let me know, even supervision of a moving event is greatly appreciated.
Please plan to attend our next stated communication on June 8th at the York Rite Temple. We plan to have a meal and fellowship at 6:30 and begin our meeting at 7:30. Please RSVP to Paul Parker, Junior Warden or call or text me for a dinner place so we can be sure to have enough plates. Looking forward to seeing you in lodge this month.
Chris Lueck
From the South
Greetings from the South!
Brethren, in June we will be moving back to the York Rite building. Our first stated communication at the new location will be June 8th. We will serve a meal at 6:30pm and conduct business at 7:30pm. We will also be having a Fellow Craft degree in our new location (York Rite) when the candidates are proficient on the Entered Apprentice degree. Please come out and assist in the move and relocation of Phalanx Lodge to the York Rite. Happy Memorial Day. Be safe out there.
Paul Parker
From the Secretary
You’ve probably now read that we have moved our meeting location. I want to add that the York Rite Masonic Center is just seven blocks north of the Joppa Masonic Temple, so it’s just a small distance move. Our new address is 1229 N. Sharon Amity Road.
Finally, I’ll reprise last month’s note about an opportunity to donate to our charities, while reaping a benefit yourself – Our current fundraiser is through AutoBell gift cards. Of the $20 we receive, half of that is donated to our Masonic charities. I’m guessing your automobile, like mine, has a yellow sheen these days. Whether you are a regular customer of AutoBell, or simply have one nearby, please consider this giving opportunity. Or perhaps you have family elsewhere who you might consider gifting one of these. If you wish to participate, simply drop a check in the mail to the PO Box listed (noting carwash on the memo line), and I will get a card back to you with no delay. If you are accustomed to making dues payments electronically through OLP, that is also a payment option for this cause.