Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – May 2023

From the East


Last Thursday, we passed Brothers Phillip Jester and Roberto Pupo-Lazaro to the degree of Fellow Craft. Congratulations to our two new Fellow Crafts! With WB Bill Stout presiding in the East, the degree team did an excellent job.

At this time, I’d like to recognize and thank Worshipful Brothers Glenn Sigmon, Clayton Wright, Scott Zwemer and Mike Hamrick for the excellent coaching our candidates are receiving.

On Saturday, May 6th, Worshipful Brothers Sigmon and Wright will conduct our required Lecture Service from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Please plan to attend if you can. The Lodge will provide breakfast and lunch and I’m sure we will all have a great time learning more about the ritual. We are required to have at least 7 members in attendance, with a minimum of 5 officers. Please let WB Mike Hamrick know by return email if you will be there so we can plan accordingly.

I am pleased to announce that WB Jason Caldwell has a new son, Jaden Christian Caldwell, who was born on Tuesday, April 25th. Mother and Jaden are doing great.

I am sad to report on the recent passing of WB Eric Cable’s mother. She lived a long and productive life and will be sorely missed by her family and friends. Please keep the Cable family in your thoughts and prayers.

Take care and be safe


John Hulla – WM, PM

From the South


I recently came across a great article that touched on many points that I think about often and want to share with you. This is the first part of the article I found to peak my interest.

MASONIC THOUGHTS by Brother William A. Carpenter, R. W. G. M.

From a “Masonic Culture” handbook issued by the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania we have extracted several items which came from the inspired pen of Brother William A. Carpenter, the current Right Worshipful Grand Master, written many years ago. They stand the test of time.

OUR BASIC FUNCTION. The basic function of a Masonic Lodge is to make Master Masons. This does not mean the formality of raising candidates. It extends far beyond that period in the life of a Mason. The task of making Master Masons must be directed toward all of us, those who are Master Masons and those who are in the process of becoming Master Masons.

The fruits of our efforts to teach and to learn about Freemasonry, the interest that we show the candidates as we welcome them into the new world of Freemasonry, will be evident in the years to come. If we sow well, we are bound to reap well.

“If we sow well, we are bound to reap well.” This sentence touched my heart and every living thread of who I am! I know we accept men from all walks of life. But be prudent, diligent in your meetings with potential candidates as you may come to find yourself wondering how you ever vouched for someone you thought to be a good fit as a Brother. It has been said that “all men are created equal, but all men are not meant to be Freemasons.” Think on that and let it
settle in your thoughts before you ponder a response.


Jaffer Kovic – Junior Warden

From the Secretary


Please note that the MORI system and OLP (Our Lodge Page) systems are being phased out on June 30. The dues payment portal through this system has already been sunset.

NC Lodges are now utilizing the Grand View web platform for member management. There are many more opportunities with this platform, including member communications, and also many of the features we’ve enjoyed with the previous system, including online dues payments. Please take a moment to register with Grand View:


Mike Hamrick, PM




