From the East

We had a good start to 2023 in January, conferring an Entered Apprentice Degree a few weeks ago. Thank you to all who participated in the Degree and came out to support the Lodge. A special thank you goes out to WB Glenn Sigmon who served as Master pro tempore for the Degree on very short notice.
Our January Stated Communication featured a Masonic Education talk by WB Clayton Wright on the anointing of Aaron. Please plan to attend our February Stated Communication. I will present Masonic Education. The topic will be “The Masonic Origin of the Order of the Arrow in the Boy Scouts”.
On Saturday, February 4th, we will have a Master Masons Degree for two Phalanx Lodge candidates and one Charles M. Setzer Lodge candidate. Please come out to support these brothers. Breakfast will be at 7:30 AM and we will open the Lodge at 8:30 AM.
Happy Valentines Day to all our wives and significant others!

John Hulla – Worshipful Master, PM
From the South

History has always fascinated me! Being raised in the Great State of Texas or as many natives would call it, the ”Great Independent Country of Texas.” I was taught from kindergarten through sixth grade everything and anything about Texas history. The great songs of Texas lore, our own Texas Pledge of Allegiance then the pledge to the American flag. The the battle of the Alamo and the brave souls that stood in the face of tyranny to the final battle of the San Jacinto where General Sam Houston defeated General Santa Anna and the Mexican army.
Not many people know or remember that many of the fallen at the Battle of the Alamo were Master Masons…Brothers James Bonham, James Bowie, David Crockett, Almaron Dickenson, William Barret Travis and those unidentified Masons who gave their lives in the Battle of the Alamo, March 6, 1836.
One of the biggest debated topics of the final battle at San Jacinto in Houston, TX is. Was General Santa Anna a Freemason?
Yes, according to an article in 2013.
This article reminds me of our closing charge at the end of each stated and other functions which I love to hear and embrace with each of you. Remember we are brothers and here to help one another as far as our cable tow allows. Be of one mind.
Jaffer Kovic – Junior Warden
From the Secretary

It has been several years since we’ve printed a member roster, and with so many changes in the last year or two, it is time to update.
I’ve enclosed a Member Data Sheet with all of the information we have you each member in our data base. Please take a moment to review and make all changes and additions to your information. I would like to have more complete details on everyone, including:
Spouse name – I’ve found multiple instances where this was not correct.
Occupation – Please complete this, and if retired, please note that, but also include the profession you retired from.
Cell phone and email address
Military service – I’ve found that this information is missing on many members. If you need to add here, please state branch and years of service.
You can get corrections to me by mailing this sheet to the PO Box, emailing a scan, emailing new information or calling me.

Mike Hamrick, PM