Masonic Lodge Charlotte NC – January 2019

From the East

Welcome to 2019. Sat in this chair for Meridian Lodge #728 in 1987. Today, we have some of the same “opportunities”.  (The aforementioned phrase is attributed to Col. Earl Taylor, when we had a big day ahead.)

I would love to see more of our members at our meetings, but I know traffic is harsh. I wish more of you brothers could feel the rush of warm welcome I feel walking in the door of our lodge. I have then arrived in a place of friendship and shelter, and I revel in my fortune being in the presence of so many honorable brothers.  One soon forgets the traffic… 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve our lodge as your Master. 


Glenn R. Sigmon – Master

From the West

Greetings from the West.

My Brothers, I am honored and humbled to have been nominated, voted and installed in the West for 2019. I hope to continue to learn more and seek more light from more knowledgeable brothers.

Happy New Year to you! As usual the end of the year brings a great flurry of events piled on top of Christmas and New Years. If your house is like mine there is more food than can be reasonably consumed, gifts abound and friends and family are enjoyed as well. I love the hustle and bustle of the kitchen and smell of the holiday food. Sometimes I am so wrapped up in the traditional things that the simple courtesies are overlooked. On Christmas Eve after a beautiful service at church I was fortunate to have a brother seek me out when he saw me. He is my senior and came especially to greet me and wish me and my family a merry Christmas. This courtesy and act of brotherly kindness taught me to be sure that even during the busiest of times and happenings don’t loose sight of the brothers who care and are within arms reach. Take the time to seek all brothers out and extend the right hand to them. They have done much to teach us and have held the doors open for us to walk through and lit the tapers to light our way.

Wishing you and yours the best in 2019 – hope to see you soon in lodge.

Chris Lueck

From the South

Happy New Year!

It’s this time of the year again and most of us say its important in setting goals and resolutions for the year to come. What kind of goals have you set for yourself and for your lodge? Is there a particular piece of ritual that you would like to learn? Are you
researching Masonic history for writing an article? Is your goal to be a more active lodge member? Is there a friend that you will talk to about becoming a Freemason? These are just some thoughts that have entered my mind since joining this great Fraternity.

Of course most of us don’t follow through on our resolutions and within a couple of weeks, they are largely forgotten. But as a Freemason, whatever your particular goal or resolution might be, you have a great advantage…in our Fraternity there is always a trusted brother waiting to assist you. Or sometimes you are that brother that will be asked to assist others. One of our purposes is to make good men better. I can’t think of any better way to do this than helping another brother achieve a goal! From the South, and on behalf of Phalanx Lodge #31 Happy New Year!!!! See you at our next Stated Communication.

Jeffrey Ordonio, JW

From the Secretary


I believe that we begin 2019 in very good shape. We closed the books on 2018 and we have a candidate beginning his journey through the degrees, with his Entered Apprentice degree scheduled later this month on the 29th. We can be grateful to Worshipful Brother Bill Stout for his leadership as Master of the Lodge for 2017 and 2018, and there seems to be a great sense of energy and enthusiasm with Worshipful Brother Glenn Sigmon and the 2019 officers.

Please note that your 2019 dues were payable by January 1, 2019. We’ve received dues payments from 113 of our 226 members, with more coming in each day. I am mailing out dues cards within a day or two of receiving payment, so the date on your current dues card should indicate whether or not you are in good standing with the Lodge.

Brothers, we are very active and have any number of opportunities for you to connect with and get involved in the Lodge. I hope that you will consider attending and participating. As WB Sigmon says in his note this month…”I would love to see more of our members at our meetings”, and one of the best ways for you to continue your Masonic journey, is to get involved.


Mike Hamrick, PM
